Botox & Fillers: FAQ
1. Is the treatment painful?
Botox®/Dysport® injections are practically painless. All other treatments are performed under a local anaesthetic similar to the type used by dentists. The nerve that is anaesthetised for dental procedures is the same nerve that is anaesthetised for treatment of the lips and the lines around the nose and mouth.
2. Will the treated area be bruised?
Yes, it might. But hardly ever if it has been injected with Botox®/Dysport®. The bruising subsides after two or three days and can easily be camouflaged with make-up.
3. Can I resume work straight after a treatment session?
Yes. There is no need to take time to recuperate. The bruising or swelling will not be so severe that you cannot appear in public.
4. Is treatment at MYCLINIC expensive?
Treatment at MYCLINIC starts at 4,850Kč (€165,00). Almost half the price you pay in other European countries.
5. What about the quality then?
MYCLINIC works exclusively with qualified doctors and nurses, who receive regularly updated training in injectables from Dutch specialists.
6. Do I need to make an appointment for treatment?
Yes. You will be invited to a consultation with a doctor and a nurse who will give you expert advice. A treatment plan will then be drawn up jointly.
7. Are injectables only for women?
No, definitely not. More and more men are being treated with injectables. The most popular is Botox®/Dysport®, but Bio-Alcamid ® is also in demand. Most of our male clients want treatment for folds and frown lines.
8. Will I always be treated by a doctor?
Yes, always! No need to worry about being treated by underqualified staff.
9. Will I see the effects straight away?
No. It can take from a few days to as long as 6 weeks before you see the final effects of the treatment. The swelling in the skin and the underlying tissue needs to subside completely first. Also, some injectables need time to take shape and reach their full volume.
10. Why do you take ‘before' and ‘after' photos?
We want to show our clients exactly how their face has been changed by the treatment. As we prefer to use subtle treatment and take one small step at a time, the difference is not always immediately visible. In addition, people tend to forget pretty soon what their faces were like to begin with. The process of change can be clearly traced in the photos.
11. Do I need to come back for a check-up?
Yes. We deliver a high-quality product and want to see if the treatment has had the desired effect. Sometimes an interim check-up is also required if a client opts for treatment in phases. Clients who are visiting Prague can have checkup the next day from treatment.
12. What if I'm not satisfied?
We'll invite you for a talk together or consult by email with the doctor who treated you. We'll make sure that together we arrive at a satisfactory solution.
13. Will I always know the costs in advance?
Yes. You can find the exact costs of our products on our price list on our website. You will be informed about the quantity of the product needed for the treatment during the consultation with our doctor and nurse. That way, you can work out the full price.
14. Do I have to pay upfront?
Yes. Payment will take place prior to treatment. In cash or, if you prefer, by credit card or PIN card. We accept Eurocard/Mastercard and Visa. We do not send out invoices.
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